Alkanel Automation sh.p.k
The company “Alkanel Automation sh.p.k” was founded in 2018 with 100% Albanian capital.
The company’s field of operation is the installation of industrial plants, automation of food production processes, design, production of semi-automatic packaging machines, and other auxiliary machines for packaging products such as coffee, peanuts, dried fruits, etc. Repairs and revisions full range of mechanical, electrical and electronic packaging machines.

what we offer
Our products
Skilled Contractors
Projects Completed
Industries Served
satisfied clients
Why Alkanel
Over 5 years of experience in the industry
Innovative Technology
Industrial machinery with innovative technology
Qualified staff
Qualified and experienced engineer
International Experience
Our machines and services are present in important companies in Europe
Technical support
Mechanical, electrical and electronic repairs and revisions of machines

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Opinione dhe Vleresime
This is due to their excellent service, competitive pricing and customer support. It’s throughly refresing to get such a personal touch.
Christine Eve

This is due to their excellent service, competitive pricing and customer support. It’s throughly refresing to get such a personal touch.
Kevin Smith

This is due to their excellent service, competitive pricing and customer support. It’s throughly refresing to get such a personal touch.
Jessica Brown
Founder & CEO

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